Saturday, January 25, 2014

“Actualize” at Ortega Y Gasset Projects

“Actualize” at Ortega Y Gasset Projects
Jan. 11 - Feb. 15, 2014
Curated by Jessica Langley
Kianna Alarid & Ben Kinsley, Rachel Leah Cohn, James Juszczyk,

Veranda Moot & the Los Angeles Meditation Ghostwriter’s Guild (L.A.M.G.G.),
Mónica Palma, and Alexis Semtner 

Alexis Semtner

Alexis Semtner

James Juszczyk

James Juszczyk

James Juszczyk

Mónica Palma

Mónica Palma

Alexis Semtner (on wall) and Rachel Cohn (sculpture)

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